
Phone Number in Roeder's Car Belongs to Woman Convicted in Abortion Clinic Bombing Plot

karmic_inquisitor6/02/2009 1:32:23 pm PDT

This is very very very simple folks -

Law vs. belief

The law must govern behavior such that society may function. All societies throughout history have had laws. Belief is a different matter.

Belief and the morality that belief shapes goes further than law in its intent - it goes beyond a society that functions to a society that is intrinsically good.

We are a nation of laws. We are not a nation of belief. A read of the Constitution. It is the contract between the states that defines the terms under which our nation exists and our laws bind us.

The preamble of the Constitution lays out the intent - “a more perfect union” is not a “morally perfect union”. It is a union that union that is well governed with certain responsibilities and restraints on those who govern.

In order to have a “morally perfect union” then there can be no constraint on Government - it must have the power to effect moral goodness in whatever activity comes to be within the borders of that state.

Where does such a government exist? Saudi Arabia.

To suddenly want to abandon our system of government and the purposeful and effective constraints on Government and self-appointed assassins and vigilantes because your belief system somehow compels righteousness instead of justice is to sign on to the very same ideology that drives the Saudis and the Iranian Mullahs.

Congratulations on your screwed up political perspective.

Belief is not the business of government. And “life begins at conception” is a matter of belief.