
Weekly Standard Blatantly Distorts Obama Official's Quote on Syrian Chemical Weapons

kirkspencer5/05/2013 3:39:03 pm PDT

re: #70 A Mom Anon

RE: the job thing, thanks for the feedback everyone. He’s actually had 5(yes FIVE)interviews with one company, and they still haven’t made a final decision. I checked and they’ve removed the job from their job board, so I’m not sure what that means since they told him there were 2 other final candidates besides him. It’s partially due to construction overruns on a new property so they won’t need him til it’s finished and ready for occupancy. He had another interview last week with a different company and they are supposed to let him know sometime soon, but this is also a new property that’s not quite finished. Sigh. So neither company is in a hurry. His resume is really polished, in fact he’s had both of these companies tell him that the resume put him on top of their lists.

I guess I’m getting kinda scared, we don’t have health insurance anymore and that scares the crap outta me. We are fortunate we had some savings, even though that was supposed to be to try and start over saving for retirement. But that won’t last forever, something has to give.

Dispatches from the ugly side of the war — just three more months and I’ll have been unemployed for six years. sigh. but I digress. See, I’ve helped a lot of others find jobs by pointing out my mistakes.

Decide now whether it matters if you stay in Atlanta — or even Georgia.

Excepting unfriendly separations, have him call every boss and co-worker he’s had over the past decade. Ask each of them for three people he can call to see if they have a job using the person he called as an introduction. (Hi, Joe Doe told me you might be in the market for a residential supervisor. I’m available and want to know where to send the resume.)

Linked-in is great for some things and worthless for others. Your case is one I’d not expect much success in use. But it’s free and you can’t afford to leave a possibility on the ground. Oh - same for Monster.

On the “oh crap” side, if you haven’t done so go now to every help agency you know. Find out what they require to apply and what support they provide. Also ask them what other help organizations they know: government, non-profit, and community. That’s help for medical and food and housing and utilities and pet food/care and transportation and, well, all of it. On the one hand there is a LOT in Georgia. On the other hand there are some extremely unfortunate holes and hurdles. Know, be prepared, and hope you don’t need them.

And seriously, good luck. May you never come close to my scenario.