
Scalia Update: He Died at a Meeting of a Secret Religious Society of Hunters

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/24/2016 10:22:14 pm PST

The Latest: Rubio attacks Trump by name ahead of debate

Marco Rubio has attacked Donald Trump by name, criticizing the candidate he called the GOP front-runner for not strongly opposing the federal health care law and for suggesting he could be a moderator in the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Oh noes… a candidate attacks his opponent by name.

What is this world coming to?

But the real meat in this AP story board is a bit farther down and involves Cruz, not Rubio:

Ted Cruz is pledging to order a federal investigation of Planned Parenthood if elected president and says undercover videos appear to show the health provider is “a national criminal enterprise.”

The Republican presidential candidate also says he would pardon the person behind the videos, David Daleiden, if his case became a federal one. Cruz made the promises Wednesday night during a candidate forum on Fox News.