
Pamela Geller Doubles Down: New Birth Certificate Fraudulent Too!

mr.fusion4/28/2011 2:05:05 pm PDT

re: #61 Sionainn

The latest “question” I just ran into was “Kenya wasn’t known as ‘Kenya’ until 1964.”


Here’s some comments from a Drudge linked to article

The problem with this “new” birth certificate is that it’s well….new. It lists his birthday as August 4, 1961, then list his fathers native country as Kenya. The problem with that is Kenya didn’t exist until 1963, it was British East Africa or East Africa Protectorate until then. It also lists the hospital of his birth as Kapi’olani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital, which didn’t exist until 1978. Prior to that time it was Kauaikeolani Children’s Hospital. It’s is also dated April 25, 2011 with Dr. Alvin T. Onaka signing to the stamp of ” I certify this is a true copy or abstract of the record on file in the Hawaii Department of State Health”. Being an abstract does not mean it real or official, it means it matches what is in the electronic system, which would have been put in some time after 1978 because of the hospital name, and as recently as April 25, 2011 because of the date, or any time in between.

Pablo Munoz Mesa Community College

Birthplace of father: Kenya, East Africa.

Wait, what? Remember, this is 1961. Kenya did not yet exist as “Kenya”, but rather as the British colony “British East Africa”. Kenya did not receive its independence from Britain, and also its name, until 1963. The original birth certificate should read “British East Africa”, or “British East Africa Proctorate” instead of “Kenya”.

Nivek Squires Kirkwood Community College

good one this has to be the best snowjob on america since bt barum who must be spinning in his grave.

Rob Horne Dallas, Texas

At least republicans do not withhold their birth certificates, what other “truths” could democrats be hiding? I am abashed that a fellow American would not question political uncertainties. Also …your mom should be ashamed

Donald MacMurray

Trump - 1 Obama - 0…LOL. Does anyone remember who started the so-called “birther” movement? It was the Hillary Clinton machine who started this mess during the primaries. If we had any true journalists in the mainstream media today, they would have looked into this and uncovered ALL of the truth about the bumbling fool in the White House. Keep voting for Marxists, democRats…you’re killing America.

I mean look……we all knew there would still be some crazies out there that this wouldn’t matter to. But it’s depressing how many there are. What the hell is going on in this country?