
Rick Santorum Doubles Down: JFK Really Does Make Him Want to Barf - Update: Or Maybe Just Gag a Little

Scottish Dragon2/28/2012 10:17:43 am PST

re: #31 Simply Sarah

This is, of course, largely a result of the fact that people that aren’t assholes about their religion don’t stand out nearly as much because they aren’t spending their every waking moment trying to ram their beliefs down my throat and into every other hole in my body.

As a side note, My parents told me on Sunday that they are boycotting my Graduation from Guilford College on may 5 because I am registered and will graduate under my female name (which is not my birth name they gave me). My father said “You are engaging in a lifestyle that we cannot approve of” and then went on to lecture me from Deuteronomy.

Sunday was not a good day.