
Overnight Acoustic: Ryan Spendlove, "Not That Strong"

ausador10/26/2012 4:06:47 am PDT

I got told I am on the list for the great socialist cleansing! Lucky me…

There was a page yesterday about an opinion piece at WND advocating that the liberal media be locked up or executed for being socialists/marxists. I left a comment on the piece over there and got the kind of response you might expect…

What I said…

Lol…how very “Big Brotherish” of you.

The only way to protect freedom of speech is to lock up everyone who disagrees with what I say!

Hmm…I just checked my calender and it isn’t April 1st so I guess you were serious when you wrote this, pity that. The Constitution you claim to be defending while arguing against perhaps its most central tenet specifically states that the charge of treason can only be applied against someone working in the service of a foreign power.

You see the framers of the Constitution came from a country where treason was sometimes whatever the King declared it to be at the moment. They limited the ability to charge people with treason in the Constitution in order to make sure that that kind of thing could not happen here. I find it ironic in a bizarre way that you are in favor of doing exactly what they sought to prevent while declaring it as necessary to preserve our freedom.

The first reply to my comment was…

It is people like you who will be swept up in the first wave of necessary purification. The treason executions need not be extensive. Maybe only five or six million treasonous Americans (plus homosexuals, atheists, and Mexicans) need be put to death to cleanse the nation.