
Ever Wonder Where Time Comes From?

Dark_Falcon2/28/2014 10:59:47 am PST

re: #727 The War TARDIS

Scandinavia is one of the most Anti-Russia places on the planet. Not only that but, Sweden punches way above their size.

Ex: Whiskey on the Rocks

Sadly, the Russian Air Force seriously schooled their Swedish counterparts last year:

Russian Tu-22M Backfire bombers escorted by Su-27 Flankers simulate night attack on Sweden.

However, on Mar. 29, the two Tu-22M3 Backfire heavy bombers, capable to carry cruise missiles and nuclear weapons, and their four Su-27 Flanker fighter jets escort got dangerously close to the Swedish airspace and, at 2 AM local time, they skirted Gotland island, some 30-40 kilometers off the Swedish territorial waters.

After they carried out their mock attacks (on targets in the Stockholm area and Southern Sweden, according to Swedish military sources who talked to Svenska Dagbladet) they turned back and returned towards Russia.

The episode is similar to those Soviet Union’s exercises typical of the Cold War, when bombers carrying the typical Red Star flew quite close to the Swedish airspace boundaries and got intercepted by Swedish interceptors. Such “visits” ended in 1992 but returned in 2011 when Putin resumed the long-range flights of its strategic bombers.

Although some Tu-22M3 Backfire bombers flew over the Baltic Sea in the last year, what’s unusual in Mar. 29 incident is that the Russian activity took place at night and, above all, it found the Swedish Air Force totally unprepared.

Even if at least two JAS-39 Gripen should always be in QRA (Quick Reaction Alert) and ready for take off in case of alarm, quite surprisingly there were no interceptors ready on Good Friday night.

The Swedes are not going to be likely to bother Russia till they get their readiness problems sorted out, which may take money Sweden isn’t willing to spend.