
2008 Fiskie Voting Now Open

Mr. Sandman1/13/2009 6:11:23 pm PST

I see you’re all still sucking on sour grapes on this site, likely inspired by your saint/heroine/Messiah-enne, the Vice-sore-loser who more than 2 months after the election is still acting like a crybaby, blaming the “media” for her own lack of ability as a candidate (here’s a picture I find apropos to this situation: ).

Here’s a hint: it’s not “the media’s” fault she looked like a fool in her interviews. She couldn’t answer basic, fundamental questions about national and international issues. She just didn’t know anything. She simply had barely any knowledge about anything outside of Alaska. She tried to get away by jumbling together rote catch-phrases, which always failed whenever the interviewer tried to probe even an inch below the surface. She flat-out was not prepared to be Vice-President, not even close. McCain made a desperation move, a hail Mary pass in picking her, hoping to motivate the Bible-thumping and right-wing fringe base (which succeeded to a large extent, as we saw a great deal of these lunatics and imbeciles at the Palin rallies—but most of them were going to go out to vote against Obama anyway) and also to try to pick off women Hillary supporters he hoped at the time would remain bitter and vote for the ticket with the woman on it (a strategy which failed in the long run) and various actions of McCain’s since the election indicate he is well aware that he made a bad choice, especially bad for the country (which he now likely regrets).