
Quote of the Day

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All8/31/2009 9:55:40 am PDT

Reminds me of another quote I saw on
“I don’t have to read it, or know what’s in it. I’m going to oppose it anyways.”

— Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), quoted by the Express-Star, on the health care reform bill.

At some point you have to start coming up with a coherent opposition that is based on more than simply knee-jerk opposition. I could care less if the Demoncrats did it in the past or not. We’re not in Kinder care anymore and it may be a pipe dream, but I’m hoping we have real conversation and real efforts to reform some of the issues that are pressing: Health Care, Immigration reform and enforcement, etc etc.

The worst part for the Republicans, They’re still making zero effort to reach out to minorities and that’s going to sink them (food for thought, in 80, Carter won the same percentage of white and minority vote that Obama did. Carter lost by a landslide, Obama won comfortably, Article on 538) because these trends aren’t going to reverse themselves. and unless the Republican party starts expressing an interest in issues that are pressing for people other than white people over 40, they’ll continue their death spiral.