
Karl Rove Endorses Creationist Florida Candidate Rubio

Gus10/05/2009 4:08:02 pm PDT

re: #57 Dark_Falcon

Gary Bauer is a fundie fanatic. Here’s some of the pablum from his article:

For example, Obama has referenced the Sermon on the Mount in support of special rights for homosexuals, despite the Scriptures’ clear support of marriage between one man and one woman and its admonitions to celebrate sex inside the married relationship only.

Life and death issues became the spark igniting the public backlash against Obama’s plans. They arose from concerns over possible death sentences for the ill and elderly should care be rationed and from concerns about tax-payer funded abortions, to name a few. Obama wrapped himself in Scripture to combat opposition to his plans. At one point, he alleged that Obamacare opponents were not just mistaken but also immoral and “bearing false witness” for worrying about taxpayer funding of abortion under his plan.

Special rights for homosexuals and death sentences for the ill and elderly. Right, I’ve heard this before.