
John Birch Society Praises Glenn Beck for Promoting Their 'Ideas'

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/06/2010 11:55:01 am PDT

re: #67 LudwigVanQuixote

You know, the “left” has been complaining about the human rights abuses by the Suadis and others since way, way long ago, back when they were told to shut up about it because dealing with such people was necessary realpolitik.

And Saudi Arabia is still our ally, and there are precious few GOP members who have suggested in any fashion that they should not be.

It isn’t just the left that’s apathetic on this. The source of this madness is Wahabism and other Muslim extremists; we are active trading partners at the least, and allies with most of the nations that export radical Islam.