
Overnight Open Thread

bellamags3/24/2009 7:42:43 am PDT

re: #754 Afrocity

I was afraid you would say that. I use a “pore filler” by Dr. Brandt “Pores No More” and it helps. Mine are not HUGE like my mom’s were. I used to never use SPF, because I thought blacks did not need it. Then I heard differently and have been using SPF 15 for 4 years now. I am combination skin, oily, normal. You are right about pigmentation. I use DDF brightening cleanser with glycolic acid, exfoliate once a week. Use a raw egg white mask once a week, and since last month I have been drinking lots of water and I notice a huge improvement in my skin and energy.

Water is the trick. The first sign of dehydration is headache, then tired, then grumpy, then chronic dry skin and red eyes, brittle hair. Your body will pull water from your (unimportant) skin, eyes and hair to supply your (important) internal organs. Keep up your routine. Sounds great.