
Zombie: Anti-Israel Rally in San Francisco

buzzdroid1/12/2009 2:30:21 pm PST

from muqata - translation from Hebrew of an IDF army story thats doing the rounds in Israel… urban legend maybe.. but anyway - here goes:

An IDF soldier that entered Gaza along with his troop, passed by a house in Gaza. Next to the house he saw an old woman who warned him, “Don’t enter this house, it’s booby-trapped.” The soldier ignored her, and continued towards the house, when to his suprise, he noticed the house was indeed booby-trapped.

The soliders continued on into Gaza, and he saw the same old woman at another home, and she warned him once again, “Don’t enter this house, it’s booby-trapped.” The soldier asked the woman, “You were at the other house, what are you doing here?”

The elderly woman replied, “I am Rachel the matriach, and I’m here to protect you.”

The solider called his Rabbi who told him that the previous day, his community was immersed in prayer, and beseeching Rachel to watch over the soldiers.