
No Extremists at the Tea Party?

AuldTrafford9/20/2009 4:53:22 pm PDT

re: #766 freetoken

OK. The first thread I find is on Michele Bachmann, “Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), always a dependable source of loony rants”. She is pro-life. I will keep looking.

Next a series of threads on the Tiller murder. I don’t see an opinion on abortion discussed there. (I agree with LGF’s position on murder, incidentally.)

Then, on Sotomayor: Anti-Abortion Kooks Interrupt Sotomayor Hearing. Well, of course that doesn’t say everyone against abortion is a kook. So, back to the search. …

Many more threads on the Tiller murder.

Then, “Limbaugh Stuck on Fail” - again on Sotomayor. Limbaugh is pro-life; Sotomayor’s position is unknown, I believe. Don’t see an LGF position here (although, in fairness, the “stuck” wording implies criticism of Limbaugh) …

Then a discussion of Obama at Notre Dame. Obama is pro-abortion, and the threads (IMO only) treat Obama favorably; however, not necessarily on the substance of the abortion issue …

A couple threads show up on Sarah Palin. Palin is a well-known pro-life advocate. I do not see LGF’s position stated here.

OK; sorry, I’m apparently not doing this correctly. I think I’m seeing some reinforcement for what I’ve already admitted is my own unfounded suspicion. Could you help me out and just tell me, since you are obviously familiar with the answer?

Incidentally, you were not one of those who down-dinged me, but I appreciate your willingness to discuss the points.