
Queens of the Stone Age - Smooth Sailing

Lidane4/11/2014 6:21:04 am PDT

re: #75 Dark_Falcon

It’s a valid fear. Unless a congressperson or senator has something special about him or her (war hero, major legislation their voters are proud of, that sort of thing) a really too many bad town hall can generate the feeling the congressperson is weak with his or her base, opening things up for a primary challenge.

You can have a war hero or whatever in Congress and he’ll still face some yahoo in colonial garb in a town hall calling him a RINO and a traitor because Obama hasn’t been impeached and sent to Gitmo yet.

Fact is, the GOP had a chance to distance themselves from the dipshits years ago, but they didn’t. Now they’re having to appeal to a lot of really stupid people in order to get elected.