
Wild Surrealistic Music Video From Black Midi: "Welcome to Hell"

BigPapa5/14/2022 1:52:23 pm PDT

The ‘Abortion is Murder/Baby Killer’ people have planted themselves on a tenuous hill be declaring a zygote is a human life. They should not be afforded that safe harbor.

If it is a human life and abortion is murder then they cannot accept abortion at any of the times they’ve pushed for: fetal pain, fetal heartbeat, arbitrary gestational milestones, etc. If it’s murder then all those exceptions are semantic. Any anti-abortion stance accepting exceptions is thereby accepting murder. So if it’s murder, then the only solution is to take up arms and ‘defend’ those zygotes. By murdering people and controlling the mothers and forcing them to birth. This is the rational conclusion of anti-abortion identity.

There should be nobody in the middle on this. If you’re anti-abortion you’re an extremist and fundamentalist zealot by any and all measures. People who hedge with ‘I believe safe abortions but rare abortions’ should not be denied the fence to straddle.

We don’t need to paint anti-abortion zealots as extremists: they are. We only need to make sure our language is clear about it.