
Shocka! Obama's Gaffes Noticed by Mainstream Media

mikeymom3/30/2009 7:31:51 pm PDT

when the great one elected, we were on vacation and i went bezerk, i must admit. mikeydad said—give him time. i drank some more—and gave him time. ive given him time—and now, i ams very afraid. mikeydad just got laid of from a big blue corp—a good thing for us cause mikeydad was ready to retire anyway and the buyout package was very favorable-extra 6 months of goodies. we are in a good position—but i am sooo ascared for my kids—just starting in their careers—and now i will drink to their futures—and glad that if we have to—will help them—but DAMN OBAMA—and sorry if this gets me banned—but i dont respect O—i hate what he and all his cronies are doing to the great USA—DAMN HIM!