
Donohue: Catholic Abuse Scandals 'Not Pedophilia'

lostlakehiker4/01/2010 12:25:50 pm PDT

re: #3 Bagua

Re-post from prior thread:

Technically he is correct in that the medical definition for pedophilia involves perversion involving an adult and pre-pubescent children. Many of the priest cases are technically Hebephilia, which is the attraction to early pubescent children or Ephebophilia which is the preference for the 15-19 year old range. Though these terms are also used interchangeably.

Yet neither Hebephilia nor Ephebophilia is in common usage by law enforcement which defines a minor child by chronological age, not sexual maturity. This definition relies on the age of consent, which varies from state to state and nation to nation.

Regardless, a semantic argument such as this is a diversionary tactic, and also a slander to normal homosexuals who are not perverts nor criminals. It is universally understood that the “pedophile” priests are not normal homosexuals, almost all exhibit a form of Chronophilia that violates social and civil codes.

The meaning of words changes over time. In most cultures, at most times, for an adult male to find a 15-19 year old female attractive would not been deemed perverted, and on the other hand, for an adult male to find another adult male attractive would have been. Even now, it’s a good guess that world wide, that still holds. In Europe, it would perhaps be the other way around, and in the U.S., who knows?