
Overnight Open Thread

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/16/2010 12:03:01 am PDT

re: #72 Gus 802

Yeah, on site would communicate more. Not sure about the ship thing, though if the speech was delivered from an oil platform that might have been interesting.

President Obama knows he is in a losing situation here - note how in his previous speech his (probably fabricated) story of his daughter asking him “Father… why haven’t you fixed it yet” (paraphrased) really was trying to tell the truth in an opaque manner - yet I think many people didn’t get the real message.

It has often been commented upon that Americans want a father-figure in the Whitehouse. Again, note in last night’s speech the “God”-talk at the end (at least in the prepared version) - it’s the same appeal, just slightly repackaged (Father = God.)