
Anti-Choice Group Edits Out Planned Parenthood Adoption Discussion

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/31/2012 7:21:09 pm PDT

re: #70 It’s a cookbook!

Yes, but you ar least inspect information before you accept it, even if you might want it to be true. That’s a very big difference.

I’ve been around the block a couple of times, and have been burnt by charlatans of one sort or another.

It’s taken my 8 years to work through the Iraq war propaganda - finally deciding that some of it was factual, some was just hysteria, some was well meaning, some was just deceitful.

I’ve been dealing with creationists (and other anti-science loonies) for over 30 years, so I’ve got lots of experience in that. But some of the social/political topics have not been on my personal radar before, and it is easy for me to stumble across something new.