
Klinghoffer Speaks for Maimonides

realwest7/22/2009 6:55:07 am PDT

re: #705 Walter L. Newton
He may (or may not ) be over his handler’s heads, but he is sure as hell over his.
Rushing through Stimulus and trying to rush through Cap and Trade (both egregiously LOONG pieces of legislation) and now Healthcare “reform” which few if any understand, methinks Obama and his handlers have met their Waterloo (ok, that’s not original with me but I can’t remember who said it) his trust ratings are way down even though his personal popularity is still up there. That’s because the American people, in spite of the MSM, have finally awoken to the fact that Obama is rushing PURE UNADULTERATED SHIT through Congress without giving congresscritters time to read it or the public time to let their voices be heard.
Oh and btw, my Congresscritter Sue Myrick (R-NC) introduced an amendment requiring that POTUS and Congress have to take Obamacare and pay for it themselves! Yea, Sue!
And she wants a roll call vote on the Amendment - she won’t get it,of course, but nothing says elistism and progressiveness like all for thee, none for me!