
And Now for a Baby Sumatran Orangutan

vxbush7/03/2009 8:39:50 am PDT

re: #770 Stuart Leviton

You’ve gotten me curious, and I thank you for that. If I understand you correctly, then - based on the information you have at hand (what I know is even less) - no one has abstractly looked at the question of finite sequences in pi. You’ve also gotten me curious to read a bit on pi. (It’s a pi in my face moment!)

No, they have studied the way the numbers show up in pi, and from what I recall, all the numbers show up at about the same frequency but never in any type of pattern. In fact, I believe the decimal expansion of pi can be used as a random number generator—but only if you’re willing to wait around to get down to the ten billionth digit.