
No Extremists at the Tea Party?

AuldTrafford9/20/2009 3:59:10 pm PDT

re: #751 Figgles

I have suspected for some time that LGF is not in the pro-life camp. I have not seen a definitive statement one way or the other (but I have not read every comment - so, may have missed it), and I could be wrong. Whether or not I am wrong, LGF is, it goes without saying, entitled to that opinion - or whatever opinion LGF holds, if it holds any opinion on the issue.

Nevertheless, I find including the abortion-protest sign in with the others - without more of an explanation as to why it is in the group - puzzling. True, the sign includes the word “blood”, and a form of the verb “scream” (which, I suspect you are right about - that it is a paraphrase from one of the most powerfully written books ever known to man); however, the sign does not threaten violence - but decries it (albeit emphatically).

Bottom line: if the Department of Homeland Security has concerns about those displaying the other signs shown, it would not alarm me. If the DHS has concerns about the woman displaying the anti-abortion sign, I have real concerns. Commenters here could probably quibble about the woman’s rationality (I tend to think she has not displayed irrationality, but see room for argument), but if we find her display in the same class as the other protesters, I think we are perhaps worried about her political position rather than the threat she poses.