
Video: No Global Warming in the Last 10 Years?

Randall Gross9/07/2009 6:57:05 pm PDT

re: #759 blangwort

We’re missing so many points here that I don’t know where to begin.

First, all of the models for climate and the economy are fraught with error. Read The Future of Everything by Dr. David Orrell. He shows with mathematical precision why this exercise is nearly useless. We can’t calculate economic impacts of technologies we don’t even have yet using climate models that can barely predict the past, let alone the future.

Second, no matter what climate change is happening, we can’t conserve our way out of it. Now, I’m not going to suggest that we give up and stop trying to build better energy technologies. We need to do that anyway if we have any hope of growing our economy. But the warming may well continue for centuries after we stop putting excess carbon in to the atmosphere.

So we need to look at terraforming. We need to figure out how to regulate our climate. There are a few ideas on the subject already. It’s time we looked at them and tried one.

If we can’t predict as you’ve stated, how on earth or anywhere else does Geo engineering make sense?