
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Says People Who Criticize the Koch Brothers Should Be Prosecuted Under the RICO Act

The Ghost of a Flea3/10/2014 1:51:48 pm PDT

Michele Bachmann Laments That ‘The Gay Community Have So Bullied The American People’

The Minnesota congresswoman told talk show host Lars Larson in an interview at CPAC that the gay community distorted the Arizona bill by making it about gay rights — even though the bill’s sponsor himself said it was about same-sex marriage.

“There’s nothing about gays in there, but the gay community decided to make this their measure,” Bachmann said. “And the thing that I think is getting a little tiresome is the gay community have so bullied the American people and they have so intimidated politicians that politicians fear them and they think they get to dictate the agenda everywhere. Well, not with the Constitution you don’t.”

She added that gay people and “activist judges” are trying to take away her freedom: “If you want take away my religious liberties, you can advocate for that but you do it through the constitutional process and you don’t intimidate and no politician should give away my religious liberties or yours.”

…I got nothing.