
Sarah Palin's Hateful Word Salad of the Day

Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi6/02/2014 1:02:46 pm PDT

re: #56 dog philosopher

Department Of ‘Disproving’ Things That Nobody Claimed Were True

This Chart Destroys the Claim That Insufficient Funding Caused the VA Scandal

All by itself, the chart doesn’t even disprove what it claims to disprove. it doesn’t take into account the fact that many soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are surviving devastating wounds that in previous wars would have resulted in death. The chart takes no account of the severity of the injuries being treated, or how much it costs to treat them.

Now, I don’t know how significantly the conclusions would change if per-patient costs were taken into account instead of just the raw number of patients. But my point is that the people who drew up that chart and wrote that article don’t know either. Or they do know, but elected to leave that information out. Your choice.