
We Take a Short Trip Down the QAnon Rabbit Hole

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷7/09/2018 4:21:12 pm PDT

re: #76 ObserverArt

I could smell the 12 beers on that guy’s breath through the speakers.

I can just imagine how much of this shit is going on all over America. We are only see a small amount of a large problem.

Well the difference (at least to me) is now we have ubiquitous camera phones which record everything going on, then get uploaded immediately to the Internet.

I imagine it has always been going on, but not reported on because there was no evidence. There is a lot of crap on the Internet, but this is one of the good things it is for - pounding racists and bigots back into their holes with public shaming.

This is similar to the Emmet Till murder, where lots of people refused to believe the violence against minorities and liberal supporters in Dixie. When his photograph was published, the nation was outraged about it.