
ADL Denounces Glenn Beck

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/11/2010 3:41:44 pm PST

re: #49 ProLifeLiberal

I think people should speak more openly about his narcissism. A general rule of thumb for me: If someone thinks they should be Time Person of the Year, they have WAY too big an ego.

While doing a paper, I cam across an interesting (and encouraging) statistic. While 43% of Americans have a negative view of Islam, in the past, Jewish Immigrants had an even harder time, with a majority of people in first part of the last century having openly anti-semitic ideas. As much Muslim-Bashing as there is, it could be worse. To summarize, I think we, the tolerant, are f***ing winning.

By the way, after serious contemplation, discussions with friends, and talking to a local pastor and Imam on theology and other matters, I will become a Sunni Muslim. I don’t know if you all remember the religious issues I had earlier.

I hope you find the peace you are seeking. It doesn’t matter what path if it leads you to be good.