
You Won't Believe This: Women For Herman Cain

NJDhockeyfan12/02/2011 10:29:47 am PST

Jewish GOP group: Ron Paul too extreme for our forum

The Republican Jewish Coalition elected not to invite Ron Paul to its Dec. 7 forum - which all the other Republican presidential candidates are expected to attend - because it rejects his “misguided and extreme views,” Washington Jewish Week reports.

“He’s just so far outside of the mainstream of the Republican party and this organization,” RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks said. He went on to compare extending an invitation to Paul to “inviting (President) Barack Obama to speak.”

Paul said in a November debate that America should have less involvement in Israel’s affairs, saying “they’re quite capable of taking care of themselves.” The United States sends roughly $3 billion to Israel in military assistance every year; Paul opposes all U.S. foreign aid. He is also on record as opposing aiding Israel in a military action against Iran.
