
Jon Stewart's Clash of the Teatans

Jadespring4/14/2010 8:16:09 pm PDT

re: #756 ryannon

I live with a pigeon. Picked him up off the street as a baby and it turned out he could never fly. So what could I do? He’s the sweetest, funniest companion I’ve ever had.

We rescued a baby crow once which had fallen out of the next. Had to feed it the most disgusting mix of cooked catfood and apples while it was young. It never fully feathered out which is why it was likely shoved out of the nest in the first place. Anyways when it grew up we made a perch on our deck where it would hang out though when someone was in the kitchen it would hop through the window and hang out there. I still remember my Mom yelling at it because it would hop and perch beside her whenever she was cooking.

The most interesting thing was our cats didn’t bother it and one cat would even walk right up to it and the two of them would touch each other.