
Video: The War on Women's Right to Choose

Milty7/06/2011 12:07:16 pm PDT

Charles, it has gotten very dirty and personal between you and the right-wingers you mention and so you do not want to look at the stuff that you yourself linked and said in the past.

You linked that story for a reason and it is the same reason for my post here. I also have not said there is a “conspiracy.” There is a war and part of how it is fought is rape. This is not a new thing in world history.

What is relatively new is the liberal attitude toward women, and the attitude that says men do not need to protect them, because that is a form of oppression etc. And my contention is that it winds up hurting the women, because while you guys may be all new and modern, the rest of the world isn’t. But I don’t expect liberals to understand this difficult concept. It is easier to gang up on me in this thread than to look at ugly reality.

You were angry enough to see reality a few years ago. I guess you are less angry now, or angry at other things.