
Weekly Standard Blatantly Distorts Obama Official's Quote on Syrian Chemical Weapons

klys (maker of Silmarils)5/05/2013 3:45:43 pm PDT

re: #72 A Mom Anon

You play the harp? How cool is that? When I was a little girl I wanted one SO bad,lol. My Mom, in her infinite wisdom sent me to(wait for it…)accordion lessons instead.

Accordion is …not a harp. As I’m sure you figured out from the get-go.

I started out about a year and a half ago? The Scottish Highland games around here have a harp contingent that always shows and I would see their shows and hang around the tent (where folks would frequently let you try the harp and play) and I oogled over the cross-strung harps for a while (full chromatics! but oh it messes with fingerings). Two years ago I finally bit the bullet and said I’ve wanted to do this forever, so dammit, I’m going to do it and started taking lessons. Rented a big one for a while, now borrowing another student’s while they’re at college, and drooling over the one I want to get (but may have to wait on pending job uncertainties for the husband - thanks, employer, for announcing the sale of his product…grrr…we’re still waiting for important details like new salary offer, vacation time, bonus, health insurance, etc.).