
Time to pay our debts.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸10/04/2013 11:40:03 am PDT

francis, a little thought experiment for you to think about:

let’s say somebody starts a business selling hamburgers. they find that to make a profit in that particular situation, they need to pay their employees less than $2/hr

well, that’s against the law, right?

so, they complain that they “can’t stay in business under these oppressive, anti-business laws”. tough, you are not allowed to exploit your employees in this country

them’s the rules

they counter “these people were willing to work for less than $2/hr - we didn’t force them”

the fact is that you took advantage of the fact that they were desperate enough to work for slave wages. you are not allowed to exploit your employees in this country

them’s the rules

now we have companies crying that obamacare is gonna make it more difficult to make a profit. some of these companies, like for example walmart, notorious make some of the largest profits in the world, but their employees will suffer because obamacare might cut their gigantor profit margin some

but the law says they must offer insurance to their employees. you are not allowed to exploit your employees in this country

them’s the rules