
Robert Spencer Confirmed to Attend Eurofascist Conference

Cheesehead4/24/2009 9:09:09 am PDT

re: #27 William_Ryan

I too have been a loyal lizard for years. Here’s my spin on this issue.
I honestly miss the days of reading new and interesting posts by Charles that inspired all kinds of debate. The variety of posts used to be a refreshing break from the mainstream media driven news. This is not a criticism of what LGF has evolved into, just an observation. In recent months the posts seem to be largely directed towards three elements: 1. neo-nazis 2. creationists 3. Ron Paul & his ilk.
Charles, I miss the LGF of the not-too-distant past. I am still loyal to LGF but felt it necessary to throw my two-cents in. My best to you and all Lizards, always.