
Tea Partiers and Fundamentalists in Romney Panic

Eclectic Cyborg1/11/2012 11:19:55 am PST

The most stupid, ridiculous thing is that anyone, ANYONE with half a brain could have seen this coming MONTHS AGO.

What did they expect? You just can’t successfully sell a far right agenda to the American People and make it stick, as much as the TP wants you to believe otherwise.

I have no experience in politics whatsoever and even I know that independents will be key for whichever candidate (Democratic or Republican) that ends up winning the Presidency.

Independent voters have no patience for far right nonsense, that’s why they’ve gravitated to Romney, he’s the lesser of all the evils.

I mean think about this: You’re an independent voter. You don’t particularly like Obama’s policies or his track record so far and would like to see change in Washington. At the same time, you don’t care for the far right religious nonsense and would prefer to see a focus on economics/foreign policy/environmental issues etc.

What do you do? There’s a TON of these people out there and realistically they have only two choices:

1) Vote for a GOP candidate they don’t particularly care for because they want a change from Obama


2) Vote for Obama simply because there aren’t many decent alternatives.

And the biggest irony of all?

All the GOP shenanigans since 2008, the shift to the far right on abortion/women’s rights issues, the birther nonsense, the Sharia law stuff, All of it was designed as a push back against a “socialist tyrant in the White House”

And now all that craziness, meant to convince Americans to throw out Barack Obama at any cost, could well lead to far higher numbers of them voting for him than would if the GOP had a serious candidate running against him.

That truly astounding part, like I said above, is anyone with a brain could have seen this coming, but suddenly the right wing is like “OMG WTF happened?? NO!!!”