
Michael Steele Gets on Pro-Life's Bad Side

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/12/2009 5:03:29 pm PDT

re: #786 Cato the Elder

Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.

I have to agree for the most part. If you see my upstairs thread on the Jewish take on abortion, you know my personal views. However, as a political issue, it is destroying the GOP.

One of the things that gets me about all of this abortion stuff is how hollow it is politically. What I mean by that is that the only possible way that abortion could matter in an election is when it comes to a president appointing Supreme Court justices.

Yet, the issue gets spammed all over the place. It is not, politically, a real issue since it is not something that a congressman or a senator can affect - and frankly not even something the president can directly effect.

The only reason it is brought up is as a way to say to the religious right - “hey, we Republicans share your values” without actually promising to do anything, because they can’t.

This has been a political charade for some time now, only now it really is going to backfire on the GOP. The fact is that even in the Bible Belt, many will say whatever about being pro-life publicly, but know full well what they would want to happen privately if their teen daughter or girlfriend got pregnant. The average American simply does not want Roe vs. Wade overturned, and honestly, neither do I - and I assure you that I am not a lefty.