
'Mancow' Waterboarded - Lasts 6 Seconds Before Deciding 'It's Torture'

amir5/24/2009 1:33:38 am PDT

re: #792 oslogin

These interrogation techniques are not perfect. Intelligence gathered this way, and any other way, mus be checked and crossed with other sources of intelligence. The point is, that people whose job it is to keep us safe seem to think that aggressive interrogation are useful and therefore if we expect them to their job efficiently we have to give them the tools which they think are necessary in order for them to do their job. Is anything allowed? Well, obviously no, the legislature has to set boundaries, but this technique appears to me to be within the boundaries of what should be allowed.

Should this be called torture? In my opinion no. Their must be a degree of severity before you call something torture. For those who are saying, lets call this torture and then discuss to which degree we allow torture, that’s not going to work. Once you ascertain that it is torture nobody is going to allow it. No elected official, that’s for sure. It’s like being a labeled a racist. Once you are labeled a racist nothing else you say will be considered legitimate.