
Pamela Geller: Obama 'Stood With' the 9/11 Hijackers

Wozza Matter?8/15/2010 4:50:34 pm PDT

re: #770 Rightwingconspirator

So w give Clinton the credit for that great economy the internet gave us and blame Bush for the crashed economy which was a result of banks and securities misdeeds.

Arthur Andersen, Enron, housing crash, all were caused by bad or criminal business policies. The President had little control over Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, or Fannie and Freddie. Yet we point to presidents because that’s all our teeny little talking points can grasp. It’s almost never the Presidents economy good or bad.

I have long thought the Office Of The President is the single most overrated factor in the economy. Makes for great cable ratings and wingnut/monnbat site visits though.

Massive deregulation of equities - and a laissez faire attitude to all government over sight of the money markets under the last administration was certainly no help.