
Conservative Groups: Obama's Court Nominee Must Be Stopped at All Costs

lawhawk2/22/2016 11:00:46 am PST

And the right wingers keep saying the same talking points devoid of facts or logic - that they can and will block any nomination - and many go further so as to claim that Obama shouldn’t even nominate someone because of some nonexistent “rule” that exists only in a fever dream of GOPers who realize that Obama has every right under the Constitution to flip the Court’s balance in favor of a more moderate/liberal bent.

Elections have consequences, and the GOP is doing their best to: 1) thwart the 2012 election by saying the President doesn’t have the right to nominate based on nonexistent rules or courtesies during the final year of a president’s term; and 2) generate outrageous outrage in the right wing so that they can maximize turnout in November, so that the GOP can then call the shots over the next four years - especially if they retain control over the Senate and House.