
Overnight Ocean Thread

Bagua10/15/2009 11:53:16 pm PDT

The flounce-song of J. Alfred banned account

Let us Flounce then you and I
When sleep is spread across the owners eyes
Like a patient etherized upon the table.
The changed owner, asleep, to notice unable
That changed owner, asleep upon a liberal bed
I’d jump the blog to come.

Let us flounce through certain half-deserted threads
The muttering retreads,
Of restless nights in one-night ocean views
And liberal arguments, and other spew.
Threads that follow like a tedious argument
Of unpatriotic intent!
Oh do not ask what’s in it, let us go and make our visit.

The yellow lizards who curl about the dead thread,
Some cowardly posters, lurking about the dead thread,
Lingered upon the voices in their brains.
Scanned once about the active thread, content,
Should I not flounce and flounce again?
The blog owner has gone to sleep tonight.

And indeed there will be time,
For the yellow lizards to write and celebrate
Let me prepare a post to make the lizards weep.
One final post, to announce to all, the blogs defeat!
One great post, on which I work a week
While Charles sleeps, my post will linger
And get the satisfaction I seek.

Ah, to compose a farewell of momentous meaning
Flounces that cry and moan and weep
And take one week to compose and sneak.
Some great question, to scold the owner dreaming
Some great flounce that screams upon the dead thread late
Enough to make the owner weep, and break.

Full of angst and insidious intent, oh do not ask “what’s in it”
Charles has deleted my farewell message dammit!
Into the ether it goes.

In the chat room the lizards come and go
Speaking to friends I once knew,
They will not speak to me
For I am terminated, flounced and gone.

On the sea shore MandyManners posts galore,
Combing the white and black overnight thread
Chatting with other members
She will not chat to me…
It wasn’t flounce to me, it wasn’t and it was.

For I have rolled, my pajamas old
And I have grown weary, and irrelevant.