
Liberty Counsel Warns That Obama Seeks To Become Global Dictator

Jeff In Ohio9/06/2010 4:48:09 pm PDT

re: #6 iceweasel

Awesome. Never saw that before. “Afterwards, we can lick the floor til it’s all shiny!”
BTW, thanks for posting that pandagon link yesterday— loved the rant against that Ladies Night schmuck. Also, do you read slacktivist? He’s been dissecting the Left Behind books for over a year— we read a lot of the same things, I think, — if you aren’t already reading him I think you’d love him.

That episode or Pinky and The Brain in general? I highly recommend the box set of DVD’s. It can be pretty subversive. The 3 part episode with the Scmedawhatever rolls up the Clinton presidency, The Prisoner TV series, The Island of Dr. Moreau and Abba all in one, big sausage.
