
Atheists recieve death threats over opposition to 9/11 Cross memorial

Gus7/30/2011 7:45:30 pm PDT

As an atheist I have to admit that I have never gotten myself worked up in a lather over memorials as the one mentioned in this lawsuit. However, the particular atheists that may be involved do not speak for me and speak for themselves as American and have a right to legal redress if they choose to seek it under the US Constitution in 1st Amenment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It is well within their right and to even suggest that they do otherwise is a slap in the face of what America is supposed to be about. We should not be ashamed and we should not cower to these threats and become meek followers of the status quo. We might not agree with those suits but that is the way this country has been run since it’s following.

There is no excuse for the response this has received from the alleged commentators at the Fox News Facebook page. None whatsoever. No matter how distasteful they might find this suit and/or opposition the normal response should be through reasonable discourse and not bodily threats of harms and/or death. Atheists, whether you agree with them or not, should not cower in submission in fear of these threats.

The commentators are as un-American as you can find and worthy of a home in Pakistan. They are indeed the American Taliban and no amount of displeasure with these lawsuits will change that. So if they want to sue more power to them. It is their right and it is the American way.