
Mitt Romney argues for more U.S. intervention in Syria, Egypt, Iran (More war, war, war)

palomino10/09/2012 12:21:52 am PDT

re: #5 Dark_Falcon

But he didn’t say that, palomino. What he said was that the current war has claimed no one from the top 1% and as LLH demonstrated, that isn’t true. Moreover, it is not that 9/11 was the first day of Operation Iraqi Freedom, but that OIF was part of the larger conflict that began in earnest on 9/11.

Destro exaggerated…and yes, a few people in the top 1% died. But that’s a focus on minutaie and it misses the forest for the trees. His point was quite clear—that the Americans who get killed in our wars tend to be poor and working class.

How long would Iraq and Afghanistan have lasted if middle and upper class kids were getting drafted to fight? If Americans had really been asked to sacrifice for these war efforts, how long would they have gone on. Of course we avoided that whole stickey situation by hiring mercenaries, using stop loss programs, and way too many tours of duty for many of our all-volunteer force. They deserved better.