
Gizmodo: Corrupt Apple store employees 'smash iPods like toys, trade electronics for plastic surgery and outright steal'

Destro12/22/2012 11:16:00 am PST

re: #2 ThomasLite

Frankly, I’m not even all that surprised. “Renegade” stores like that in large retail chains are a fact of life; it takes a hell of a lot of supervision to keep folks in line (especially when they’re doing intelligent work at crap wages). If, as stated, Apple’s monitoring of their retail outlets is so lax, I’d be surprised if crap like this wasn’t pervasive (at least the stealing & looking through private info stuff as well as the sexual harassment - wanton destruction of gadgets like that is a bit rarer).

You hit the nail on the head. You have smart people being paid crap wages and this is the result. I always assumed (til I learned better) that Apple store employees were by and large kids in college and this was their part time job while in school (because I knew they were paid really badly) and to my shock this was their full time job.

These employees can’t even live in the cities they service with the wages they get paid.

And they can’t find other jobs because there are none out there.