
Condell: The Arrogance of Clergy

Gus10/04/2009 1:35:16 pm PDT

re: #66 iceweasel


I suggest you refrain from sweeping characterisations of others.

If you’d like to say that there is antisemitism in the UK, or speak specifically about the antisemitic influences on the UK left, or in the BNP, or make any other informed qualified statement, great.

Smearing everyone British as antisemitic however is not on.

It read like a feeble attempt at poisoning the well once again. Convict Pat Condell as being “anti-Semitic because he’s British” and go from there. They do this with Hitchens and Dawkins and it’s essentially a broken record. The other cliches are that they’re “arrogant” or “bitter.” Funny you know, From my experience the most arrogant people in this spectrum are the clergy that Condell speaks of.