
Allahpundit Spins Judge Napolitano's Defense of BP As Napolitano Appears on Alex Jones Show

Walter L. Newton6/24/2010 9:13:55 pm PDT

re: #65 Rightwingconspirator

I hope you saw DL’s break with the GOP today. Jobs bill thread. She had stuck with it hoping to wait out the insanity, I had bailed a couple years ago. For her this was big. The discussions we would have! Anyway we are both now at heart post wing “sensible” conservatives. She’ll make hersd official shortly.

Now this leaves us in agreement with many, and disagreement with plenty around here. What this also does is present the voting booth dilemma- Are we willing to walk away from two unsuitable candidates in the general? Brave enough to walk away from a senate vote or governors vote entirely? If and when neither can meet our minimum standards to get the vote we withhold the vote.

You and DL are not going to win any points calling yourself “sensible conservatives.” You’ll still be considered right wing. They want your whole soul, all the way to the left. They are not satisfied with centrists or moderates… you just harsh their liberal buzz… I found that out the hard way… good try.