
Sunday Night Open

Pianobuff2/08/2009 8:26:14 pm PST

re: #796 So?

Well I’m glad I don’t have a TV and I’m glad I have iTunes radio which I listen to all day, especially Attentionspan radio 1 & 2. #1 feature more guitar oriented jazz, jazz fusion like weather report, stanley clarke, metheney, etc. while #2 is more traditional jazz. In the past 2 years I’ve heard some amazing music from groups I never heard of. Kick ass music that would never set foot on the Grammy’s and you know what, the Grammy’s don’t deserve these fine musicians, because that award show turned into a circus of BS celebrity no talents a long, long time ago. Yeah, there are 2-3 exceptions in each show, but is that worth spending 3 hours watching the rest of the crap. iTunes is best!

Do you like Stern and Scofield?