
Maine Republicans Adopt Completely Insane Platform

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/10/2010 2:35:30 pm PDT

re: #784 ArchangelMichael

That and when you call your partisan political opponents in America “Nazis” or “evil”, rational people generally (and more often than not correctly) think you are engaged in over the top histrionics and will tune you out. Don’t cry wolf… there can be serious consequences in doing so.

Guys, it is interesting to hear this.

For you and all the educated and thinkg lizards, I point to the history and stand by my claims. They really are using the same memes and tactics as the early nazis and appealing to the same base through the same psychology. The results are starting to bear fruit.

I agree that not all things overlap, the imagery is differently flavored and the actual Nazis were differently flavored in their cultural metaphors, but the message is the same. Exactly the same.

There is a class of human being that fals for this and gets swept up in it. It spreads like a cancer through a culture and right now, America has a tumor. If the economy collapses, and they find that charismatic leader, then the tumor will metastasize