
Pamela Geller Salivates Over the Coming Civil War

Spare O'Lake6/23/2010 9:38:48 pm PDT

re: #742 Charles

Philosophically, there’s almost no difference between fanatics like acts17 and the Taliban.

The only real difference is that groups like acts17 don’t have the power to do what they’d really like to do. If there weren’t laws against it, they would be every bit as brutal as the Taliban.

Really? Do they preach mass murder, genocide, beheadings, beating of women, public executions, closure of all public schools, etc.? When one calls them Taliban, one implies that they believe and act like the worst of the Taliban.
I am not defending these extreme Christians or any religious extremists, but they are not all the same and they are not enough like the Taliban to merit being smeared with that brush, IMO.