
Obama Speaks 2

lurking faith2/09/2009 6:27:38 pm PST

re: #772 pingjockey

I turned it off after 5 minutes. The man cannot speak off the cuff. It was terrible. My wife made me change the channel! Dick Morris has a different take, he said the ‘one’ was smooth and articulate. BAH!

Articulate? Smooth?!?Perhaps Mr. Morris accidentally tuned to an episode of SpongeBob Squarepants instead of the press conference.

Our president sounded like an unprepared student taking a dreaded oral exam. Stalling for time, trying desperately to think of something the professor had said so he could repeat it. Lots of meaningless filler phrases, lots of long pauses, lots of blather on points not relevant to the question at hand.

I would have found it excruciating, even if I had approved of his ideas.

Oh, and this afternoon in Elkhart, he clearly